Ill Be by Later Tonight, I Know That You, Will Be Something Else Lyrics

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Things that usually or always happen General or scientific facts and definiti...

    2 слайд

    Things that usually or always happen General or scientific facts and definitions Instructions in situations

  • Possible situations in present or future and their results in present or future

    3 слайд

    Possible situations in present or futurity and their results in present or future

  • Make sentences. Choose from the boxes.

    4 слайд

    Make sentences. Cull from the boxes.

  • Choose the correct form of the verb. If I don't feel/won't feel well tomorrow...

    5 слайд

    Choose the correct form of the verb. If I don't feel/won't feel well tomorrow, I stay/I'll stay at home If the weather is/will be nice tomorrow, we tin go to the beach. Information technology will be hard to discover a hotel if nosotros arrive/will arrive late. The alert will ring if there is/will be a burn. I am/volition be surprised if they become/will go married. Do you lot go/Will you become to the party if they invite/will invite you? If I am/will be late this evening, don't wait for me. What shall we do, if it rains/will pelting. I'll be able to understand you, if you speak/will speak slowly. If he will be working/is working on Friday, he isn't exist able /won't exist able to get with us.

  • Complete using the correct form of the verb in the box: If she ___ at five o'...

    half-dozen слайд

    Consummate using the right grade of the verb in the box: If she ___ at v o'clock, she'll be there by half by seven. We___ yous if nosotros accept any bug. It might not be a good idea to get out tonight if you ___ an important test in the morning. If you lot ___ sick all day, yous shouldn't come to the guild tonight. If you lot ___ my wallet, call me on my mobile immediately! Permit'south go a different DVD if you ___ that one already. If Sean ___ and then hard lately, he'll welcome the run a risk to have a few days off. If you're going into town, ___ a video for this night while you're there! If yous run into Carol tonight, ___ to say hullo from me! Don't feel you have to come if you ___ to. leaves will call are taking have been observe/see have seen/got has been working get/you could get don't forget don't desire

  • Conditional sentences may be introduced by the conjunctions: if, in case, as/...

    7 слайд

    Conditional sentences may be introduced by the conjunctions: if, in case, as/so long equally, provided (that), unless, suppose.

  • Choose the correct word or phrase. Six month from now I'll be at university u...

    eight слайд

    Choose the correct word or phrase. Six month from now I'll be at university unless/ if I determine to take a year off first. We'd ameliorate leave early on tomorrow unless/ in instance in that location's a lot of traffic when we become to Doncaster. You tin spotter the film equally long equally/ in case you promise to go direct to bed when information technology finishes. Let's go to Mirabella's tonight unless/ if you lot oasis't been there earlier. Unless/ So long as I've still got my health, I don't listen how poor I am! You'd better take a sweater with you lot if/ in example it gets cold tonight. Do what you like provided/ unless y'all don't make any noise. I'm not going to worry unless/ every bit long as she hasn't called by midnight.

  • Impossible, unlikely or hypothetical conditions in the present or future and...

    9 слайд

    Impossible, unlikely or hypothetical weather condition in the present or time to come and their event in the present or future Advice

  • Give the right form of the verb in brackets. If I knew his address I (give) i...

    10 слайд

    Requite the correct form of the verb in brackets. If I knew his address I (give) it to you. If he worked more slowly he (not brand) and so many mistakes. I could tell you what this ways if I (know) Greek. He might get fatty if he (stop) smoking. If he knew that it was unsafe he (not come). I (keep) a horse if I could afford it. What would you exercise if the lift (become) stuck between two floors. I (not go) in that location if I were you lot. You couldn't have so much trouble with your car if you lot (take) information technology served regularly. I f I (live) virtually my work I (be) never late If I knew his accost I would give it to you. If he worked more slowly he wouldn't make so many mistakes. I could tell you what this means if I knew Greek. He might get fat if he stopped smoking. If he knew that it was unsafe he wouldn't come. I would keep a horse if I could afford it. What would you exercise if the lift got stuck between two floors. I wouldn't go there if I were you. You couldn't have and so much trouble with your motorcar if you had it served regularly. I f I lived virtually my work I would exist never late

  • Write sentences using the second conditional. Example: I don't want to buy th...

    xi слайд

    Write sentences using the second conditional. Example: I don't want to buy that CD, then I'1000 not going to. - If I wanted to buy that CD, I would. I don't alive lonely, and so I don't get lone. Don'south got such a lot of homework that he'southward non going to play football game tonight. I can't swim, and so I'grand not going scuba diving with Terry. We're not going to club a pizza because nosotros don't take enough money. We're not staying in the aforementioned hotel, then we can't share a room. I'm not yous, but I think y'all should call Anthony right now! I can't come because I have to help my dad with something. I don't become to bed as late as y'all, so I'm able to go up early on in the morning. If I lived alone, I'd become lonely. If Don's got such a lot of homework, he's non going to play football tonight. If I could swim, I'd go scuba diving with Terry. We'd order pizza if we had plenty money. If we were staying in the same hotel, we could share a room. If I was/were you, I'd call Anthony right at present! I'd come up if I didn't have to aid my dad with something. If I went to bed every bit late equally you, I wouldn't be able to get up early in the morning.

  • Complete each sentence. Use either I or II Conditional Sue doesn't ride a bik...

    12 слайд

    Complete each sentence. Use either I or Ii Conditional Sue doesn't ride a bike to school, because she doesn't have one. If Sue... Chris will pass his exams, simply he has to work hard. If Chris... John isn't fat, because he doesn't eat a lot. If John... Ellen doesn't have a car, so she walks to work. If Ellen... Ali's English will improve, but he has to practise. If Ali... Pat won't be late but she has to bustle. If Pat... Rita doesn't like swimming then she doesn't go to the beach. If Rita... Paulo will get amend, merely he ahs to have his medicine. If Paulo... David doesn't get up early because he lives nigh the school. If David... Carol will catch the bus only she has to get out now. If Ballad... If Sue had a wheel, she would ride to school. If Chris works hard, he'll laissez passer his exam. If John ate a lot, he would exist fatty. If Ellen had a car, she wouldn't walk to work. If Ali practises, his English volition improve. If Pat hurries, she won't be late. If Rita liked swimming, she would become to the beach. If Paulo takes his medicine, he will get better. If David didn't live near the school, he would get upward early on. If Ballad leaves at present, she will take hold of the bus.

  • Complete each sentence. Use will or would and the present or past simple We'r...

    13 слайд

    Complete each sentence. Use volition or would and the present or past simple We're going to the beach after school. If you (desire) to come up with us, I (inquire) my mum if it's OK. I always ride my bicycle to work. If I (win) the lottery, I (become) a taxi every twenty-four hour period instead! It's astonishing! Everyone in the class passed the examination! If I (be) the teacher, I (be) really pleased. Information technology is a very easy machine to use. If y'all (place) the fruit in the height, the juice (appear) at the lesser set up to drink. Nosotros've been waiting for almost an hour now. If they (not come) before long, nosotros (non see) the start of the concert. Await at the sky! If it (beginning) raining, the race (terminate) early. desire, will ask won, would become were/was, would be place, appears don't come, volition non meet starts, will terminate

  • Rewrite each comment beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning. Supposing...

    14 слайд

    Rewrite each comment beginning as shown. Exercise not alter the significant. Supposing you had wings, what would you do? – What would you do if you had wings? Why don't you leave now. That's what I'd exercise. - If __________________________________. Imagine you lived on Mars. How would you feel? – How __________________________? I think you lot should buy a bike. That'due south what I'd do. – If _______________________________. Imagine you were rich. What would you do? - ____________________________________? Supposing Jim came with united states, what would you say? – What______________________? Why don't you take the bus. That'south what I'd practise. – If_______________________________. Imagine you owned a robot. What would yous practice? – What__________________________? What would you do if you lot had wings? If I were you, I'd leave now. How would you experience if y'all lived on Mars? If I were you, I'd buy a cycle. What would y'all do if you were rich? What would you say if Jim came with usa? If I were you, I'd take the bus. What would you do if you owned a robot?

  • Hypothetical conditions in the past and their results in the past

    fifteen слайд

    Hypothetical conditions in the past and their results in the past

  • Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence. If you phoned/had phoned...

    16 слайд

    Choose the correct discussion or phrase in each sentence. If you phoned/had phoned me yesterday, I had given/would accept given you the news. If you took/would have taken more do, you might feel/felt amend. If Tim drove/had driven more carefully, he wouldn't have crashed/didn't crash. If you had come/came to see the film, you had enjoyed/would have enjoyed information technology. If I'd known/I would know it was your birthday, I would send/would have sent you lot a card. If people had helped/helped ane another more often, the earth might exist/was a better identify. If our team had scored/scored more goals, nosotros had won/could have won. If you would have worn/wore a coat, you wouldn't become/didn't get wet. had phoned, would accept given took, might feel had driven, wouldn't have crashed had come, would have enjoyed I'd known, would have sent helped, might be had scored, could have won wore, wouldn't go

  • Conditional sentences may express real or unreal condition.

    17 слайд

    Conditional sentences may limited real or unreal condition.

  • Choose the correct variant.

    18 слайд

    Cull the correct variant.

Краткое описание документа:

Наклонение (mood) — это форма глагола, которая определяет отношение действия к действительности, а именно, является ли действие, представленное в предложении, реальным, желаемым, проблематичным или нереальным. Субъективное отношение говорящего к тому, что сообщается в предложении, выражается при помощи таких средств, как модальные слова (modal words), модальные глаголы (modal verbs), наклонения (moods). В английском языке существует три наклонения: изъявительное (indicative mood), повелительное (imperative mood) и сослагательное (subjunctive mood). Нас будет интересовать последнее наклонение, так как условные предложения в английском языке образуются именно с использованием этого типа наклонения. Несмотря на то, что у английского сослагательного наклонения существует три разновидности – непосредственно сослагательное (subjunctive mood), условное (conditional mood) и предположительное наклонения (suppositional mood) – оно, как правило, рассматривается в комплексе (более подробно смотрите в статье «Сослагательное наклонение в английском языке»). А значит, и условные предложения в английском языке мы рассмотрим с учетом всех особенностей, присущих всем трем разновидностям сослагательного наклонения.

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